Friday, December 24, 2010

My First Christmas in the U.S.A.

Tomorrow is Christmas and the occasion reminded me my very first Christmas in the U.S.A.

I was in, of all places, Toledo, Ohio, working on my master degree on civil and environmental engineering, and was invited by a Chinese Ph.D. candidate, and several other graduate students from China, to his home for the Christmas dinner, though none of us was a christian.

It was cold and the ground was covered by snow, as it should be in Christmas time. I cannot remember what we had for dinner - a combination affairs of Chinese and American staples, perhaps. I thing I do remember clearly was that the drink the hostess and her son fixed for us - grapefruit juice which had become my favorite ever since.

After the dinner, I left with a friend who had a car to give me a lift. He took a slight detour to show me the lights in a well-maintained neighborhood - in the brilliant darkness those lights were truly wonderful and as if they danced and sang.  At that moment, I understood Christmas, particularly for the people who live in dark and cold northern countries, when in the deepest darkness, these like bring hope and joy to people's hearts and glimmers of hope revealed.

My first Christmas in the U.S.A., actually, my first "observed" Christmas, was rather low key event but that evening was more endearing for its modesty and simplicity.




晚飯後,我的一位朋友开車送我一程。他稍微绕了一點以带我看良好居住区的燈盏- 在黑暗中,燈光輝煌精彩,好像在跳舞,唱歌。在那一刻,我明白了聖誕節,特別是对生活在黑暗和寒冷的北方國家的人,在最深的黑暗中,這些灯火像给人們的心靈帶來希望和快樂,和希望的曙光。

我的在美國的第一個聖誕節,其實,我的第一個 "庆祝的" 聖誕節,是相當低调,但那天晚上的謙小和簡朴却让它更温馨。

Winter Flowers / 冬天的花 / Winter-Blumen
Winter Flowers © Matthew Felix Sun

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hardcover and Paperback - 精装本和平装本

Books published in the US are generally published in hardcover first and come out in paperback a year or so later.

This practice might have made sense in the past, but with the advance of digital books, the two-tiered marketing should change. In the past, if high prices of hardcovers made readers wait patiently for a cheaper version, now they might opt for digital books immediately ... which is likely to make publishers of paper books obsolete -- or will at least put them in the same perilous position as companies that publish music CDs.

The book market in China might serve as a better model. Books are generally published there only in paperback. Sometimes publishers simultaneously release a slightly more expensive versions of books with laminated covers. Or they only publish laminated versions. On very special occasions, publishers present hardcover or cloth-bound editions as collectibles.

This approach can reduce overall publishing costs and also eliminates an unnecessary wait for readers who don't want to pay hardcover prices. As for authors' compensation, I am confident that arrangements can be found to ensure the profitability for the publisher and fair payment to authors.

The very high expense of text books in the United States troubles me too. Text books are very printed cheaply in China and don't cost much to own. It's time for us to learn a thing or two from China.






Young Man, Book and Flowers / 青年,圖書和花卉 /  Junger Mann, Buch und Blumen
Young Man, Book and Flowers / 青年,圖書和花卉 © Matthew Felix Sun

Monday, November 29, 2010

Discriminations - 歧视

This year's US mid-term election, particularly the gubernatorial election in California engaged my mother lives in China, who is not very interested in politics but not without her opinions.

After the election, when my mother, a highly accomplished retired doctor and professor, was relieved to hear that the "run-for-office rich" Meg Whitman lost her bid to become Californian governor.  Her reason was that "women should not govern."

In China, such blatant discrimination against a group people in workplace or otherwise is rampant and acceptable and even expected.  But hearing it from my mother speaking against a person for no reason other than her sex, it unnerved me.

In China, you can see often in hiring notices that they only want to hire people of certain age, height, sex, look, or ethnicity.  Discrimination based on sexual orientation has not been widely observed simply because homosexuals habitually hide their sexual identities in order to keep their jobs.


選舉結束後,當我妈妈,一個很有成就的退休醫生和教授,聽到“富得可以竞选公职”的Meg Whitman 失去了成為加州州長的机会,很感欣慰。她的理由是,“女人不應該掌权。”



Matthew Felix Sun's Live Drawing_1323

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Election - 选举

The mid-term election in the US was an earth-shaking, and despite the low turn out rate, it was still an exercise of voters' choices, however unsatisfactory, or not.

Ever since I gained my US citizenship, I voted for every election.

When I lived in China, I voted only once - still in School.  On the ballots, there were several names nominated for the local level representatives, who actually were mere electors at the lowest level and they would elect higher level electors, who they might be were only revealed later to those elected.  They would vote representatives to the municipal level who then would vote members of parliament representing the province.
Therefore, it was safe to say that the MPs had almost no connection to the regular voters.

Some of those people on the ballots were from my school and others not.  None were allowed to run a campaign.  They were chosen and nominated.  Five people were nominated for five slots.

There were a very brief biographies of those "candidates" and they all claimed to "Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles" - must adhere to the socialist road; must uphold the the proletarian dictatorship; Third, must uphold the leadership of the Communist Party; Fourth, and must uphold Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought.

Beyond that, we knew nothing about their stands on any other issues.

I voted no to every single candidates in the only "election" I participated before I left China.



當我住在中國是,我只参与过一次選舉 - 我仍然在學校上学。在選票上,列有幾個提名為地方一級的代表的名字,他们其实是最低级的選舉人民,將由他們選出更高層次的選民,至于那些更高層次的選民可能是誰,当时我们无从知晓。他們會選舉市一級代表,市一級代表再决定誰將代表全省成为人民代表大会代表(國會議員)。



每个“候选人”有一個非常簡短的傳記,他們都聲稱“堅持四項基本原則” - 必須堅持社會主義道路,必須堅持無產階級專政,必須堅持共產黨的領導,必須堅持馬克思列寧主義,毛澤東思想。



Matthew Felix Sun's Drawing_7251

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fire in Shanghai - 上海大火

Immediately after the much hyped World Expo, Shanghai suffered a big fire which resulted in at least 58 deaths so far.

Almost as soon as the fire burned out, the authority declared that they had detailed culprits, un-licensed welders. But the general contractors and its subcontractors have not been held responsible by the authorities, yet.

This strategy has been played out whenever there was a disaster, especially relating to the powerful and the rich. But Shanghai is different. Its citizens are much more sophisticated and demand more of their own rights. Perhaps, this time, those victims would not be silenced easily.




Thursday, November 11, 2010

David Disarmed - 被缴械的大卫

We often cheer the impossible feat of David's overcoming giant Goliath, particularly because it was impossible.

When a tiny consumer tries to address the wrongs he or she suffered in the hands of commercial conglomerates, the chance of their winning is just like that of David's. Banding small people together, is the only weapon they will have to overcome their opponents. Yet, in China and the US, these little Davids are to be disarmed.

Chinese kangaroo court just imposed a two and a half year term on Zhao Lianhai, who became an activist after his son experienced kidney problems linked to contaminated baby formula. He was convicted of inciting public disorder by setting up a web site to help other parents with sick children to share information and to seek compensation, and by organizing protests.

In the US, the Supreme Court just took up a case by Vincent and Liza Concepcion complaining that they were charged $30.32 for a phone that was supposed to be free and they had signed away their right to initiate a class-action suit against the company, AT&T.

People fear that the ultra-business-friendly court might side with big business once again, and render little Davids in the US armless as well.

The width of the Pacific Ocean is getter ever narrower.



中国的袋鼠法庭判处了赵连海两年半徒刑. 赵连海在儿子因受污染的婴儿奶粉肾脏致病后,成为一个积极活动分子,设立一个网站,以帮助患病儿童与其他家长分享信息,并寻求赔偿和组织抗议。因此,他被判定犯有煽动扰乱公共秩序罪。

在美国,最高法院刚刚受理 Vincent 和 Liza Concepcion 对AT&T的诉讼,抱怨他们为一个"免费"的电话机付出三十点三二美元,并签字放弃他们集体诉讼的权利。



Jingwei Filling Up the Sea / 精衛填海 / Jingwei Ausfüllen des Meeres
Jingwei Filling Up the Sea / 精衛填海
© Matthew Felix Sun

Monday, November 1, 2010

"名人"名言 - "Celebrity" Quotes

A slew of notorious quotes in China went viral, revealing the inequality of that society in a most astonishing way.

- A college student sped on campus and resulted in a death and a serious injury of two college students.  The culprit complained about the damage of his car and left the site to see his girlfriend, and shouted at the security and other students - I dare you to sue me.  My Dad is Li Gang.  Mr. Li Gang is a petty public safety official in a small town near Beijing.

- Another auto incident.  The drunk driver shouted his immortal quote: "My uncle is a bureau chief."

- A Vice Chairman of Writers' Association in Henan Province made such speech that ever since the new Party Chief arrived his province, the literary spring had arrived and they were excited everyday and they were able to wash faces with tears.

- The highest literary award in China, awarded another petty official the poetry awards.  Many readers in China ridiculed the choice, because the award-winning poetry were pedestrian and as poetic as the weather report.

- City of Shenzhen gave housing subsidies to a selected group of people, including CEO of Tengxun Ma Huateng , whose assets worth 29.3 Billion Yuan (about US $4.44 Billion). 


- 一名大學生在校園超速導致兩名大學生一死和一嚴重傷害。肇事者抱怨汽車的損害,在離開現場去看到他的女朋友前,向在场的安全人员和其他學生喊 - 有本事你去告我。我的爸爸是李刚。李刚是北京附近的一個小城市的一個公共安全小官員。

- 另一件汽車事故。一个醉漢司機喊他的不朽的名言:“我舅舅是局長。”

- 河南作家協會一副主席作出這樣的發言,自從新的省委書記上任,文學的春天已經來了河南,他們都很興奮,每天以淚洗面。

- 中國最高文學獎把詩歌獎頒發了另一小官员。許多讀者在嘲笑这一選擇,因為獲獎詩歌的詩意和天氣報告一样。

- 深圳市給選定的一群人住房補貼,其中包括騰訊公司的首席執行官馬化騰,其資產總值 29.3億元(約合 4.44 億美元)。

Matthew Felix Sun's Drawing_7339
Mao © Matthew Felix Sun

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Corn, Ethanol, Kimchi and Napa Cabbage - 玉米,乙醇,泡菜和大白菜

Kimchi, the ubiquitous fermented Korean dish, has experienced skyrocketing prices in recent months because of a weak harvest due to an unseasonably cold winter.  In order to satisfy their needs, South Korean rushed to China to purchase napa cabbages and contributed to their price rise in certain part of China as well.  Napa cabbages are essential for winter months in many parts of northern China.  The reliance on preserved napa cabbages has lessened somewhat comparing to 20 or 30 years ago.  When I grew up, in Manchurian China, families bought hundreds and even more than one thousand pound of napa cabbages to stock up for almost six month long winter.  Still, for many, napa cabbage is still the only vegetable they can afford in winter and any price increase, however small, will generate huge burden on them.

This reminded me the unhappy consequence when the US started to import corns from Mexico in order to produce cheap ethanol to add to gasoline, and drove up the corn prices in Mexico, where many people rely on corn as daily food.

Kimchi is important in Korea, but people won't go hungry without it.  Without cheap gasoline, Americans won't go hungry but high priced corns do make many Mexicans hungry.

Must one people's happiness built on the misery of another?





Vegetable Garden / 菜园子 / Gemüsegarten
Vegetable Garden © Matthew Felix Sun

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Reaction on Liu Xiaobo's Nobel Peace Prize from a Chinese Newspaper - The Global Times and Business Times

The news that 2010 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Chinese Liu Xiaobo was not widely reported in China. I was only able to find two reports on online portal from mainland China, one was on 环球时报 (The Global Times) and the other 财经时报 (Business Times).  The former, according to Wikipedia, is a overseas version of China Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party and the latter is a newspaper or magazine which had been championing different policies and repeated earned the displeasure of the government.  It was remarkable that it was able to report the news.

The Chinese texts follows, then the Chinese translations:



诺贝尔和平奖又砸自己的牌子 2010-10-09 15:56









Nobel Peace Prize Damaged Their Own Brand Again [Links to original Chinese texts] 2010-10-09 15:56

On September 8th, the Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Lui Xiaobo, who is serving a sentence in China, thus once again, put itself in the opposition to the Chinese people and the China's undertaking of reform and opening up.

Nobel Prize in general is prestigious in China, but the Nobel Peace Prize has become Western ideological stuff forced upon the world in the brand of "Nobel". In last century, this award were given to the people who opposed the Soviet Union many times, including the culprit who was responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev; this preference does not melt with the end of the Cold War.

Through the award to negate modern China, has become the Nobel Peace Prize's new pursuit of paranoia. China has so far two winners, one is the Dalai Lama, the other is Liu Xiaobo. The former is a representative figure of ethnic separatism, while the latter agitate to duplicate the Western political system in China and rejected China's existing laws. Vied from the outside on however many perspectives, there is no doubt that they are the constructive forces for recent peace and development of China, and they touched on Chinese society through their demonstration of confrontation, and they did not promote unity in China, which is facing a variety of complex issues. To award the "peace" prize to them, is disrespectful to the majority of Chinese people and it was another arrogance display of Western ideology in front of Chinese people.

The fact that Kadeer, Hu Jia, Wei Jingsheng and other "dissidents" have also entered into the list of candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize, has aggravated the Chinese people's resentment towards this award. Friendly and trusting Chinese people have reasons to suspect that Nobel Peace Prize has been reduced to a political tool to serve the Western interests, and the people who evaluate and manipulate this award do not want to see peace and unity in China, and very much hope that the Chinese community falls into infinity endless strife because of political differences, until toward Soviet-style split. What they can do now is to use the Peace Prize to tear a hole in Chinese society.

Liu Xiaobo was last year sentenced by China's judicial authorities to 11 years in prison, and many Western governments had tried to intervene. The behavior of Nobel Committee on the 8th is a continuation of this interference. The West's dispute of Liu's case is not of the judiciary itself, but to wish to implement political pluralism in China, so that China's development would of the characteristics of "Westernization."

The Nobel Committee's choosing to give Liu Xiaobo this award when he is serving sentence is not just a personal encouragement to him, rather, it is contempt and challenge of Chinese judicial system. Every Chinese person can feel the malice in this mockery, and most of the Western public could tell this was a show intended for China to see, and it will increase the alienation of Chinese and Western society. According to Nobel's will, the peace prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses", Peace Prize Committee has done the opposite yesterday.

Nobel Peace Prize's repeated criticism, once again reminded China its situation in the world. It is impossible for China's development to get applause in the West, and China should be tough enough in choosing its road to the development, and the means the West employed to harass our judge are often more than we can foresee and more surprising.

It is worth mentioning that the Nobel Committee and those people they represent, will eventually fail to prevent the trend of China's development. They only anger Chinese once, while damaged their own brand, but the world grows continually. After all, those few people can not judge the world, and the too arrogant West has repeatedly misjudged the will of the Chinese people and China's direction. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, even the Nobel Prize is no bigger than this truth.

Global Times

2010-10-09 15:56 环球时报
The Global Times (simplified Chinese: 环球时报; traditional Chinese: 環球時報; pinyin: Huánqiú Shíbào) is a daily Chinese newspaper produced under the auspices of the official Chinese Communist Party newspaper, the People's Daily, focusing on international issues. - Wikipedia


刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖 [Links to the original Chinese texts] 2010/10/08 @ 10:29pm 北京时间








Liu received the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize [Link to original Chinese texts] 2010/10/08 @ 10:29 pm GMT

Norway on Friday (October 8, 2010) 17:00, Nobel Prize Committee awarded the 2010 Peace Prize to Chinese prisons are serving sentences of democracy activists Liu Xiaobo, the Chinese government immediately criticized this decision.

Nobel Committee said in a public statement, this award is in recognition of Liu Xiaobo's long-term and non-violent struggle to promote basic human rights in China. The Commission has always maintained that human rights and peace has a close relationship, just as Alfred Nobel wrote in his will that human rights are prerequisite for friendly coexistence amongst countries and peoples.

Nobel Committee noted that in the past twenty years, Liu has been speaking out to defend these basic rights for Chinese citizens. He participated in the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, and participated in the the writing and drafting of "08 Charter". In 2009, Liu was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for two years because of "the subversion of national security".

Nobel Committee also said many Chinese people at home and abroad had participated in promoting the establishment of universal human rights in China. Although Liu was severely punished, he has become the symbol of many Chinese people's struggle for fundamental human rights.

55-year-old Liu Xiaobo was born in Changchun, Jilin Province. He graduated from Jilin University in 1982, and enrolled into the master's and Ph.D. Beijing Normal University. Between spring and summer of 1989 he gave lectures in foreign countries, and returned to China during the climax of 1989 Tiananmen Square movement to participate in hunger strike. After the movement was cracked down, he was arrested and was  fire public posts. In 1996, he was convicted again for speeches, and was sentenced to reeducation through labor for 3 years. In 2008, he presided over the drafting of "Lingba ('08) Charter", and was arrested in December 2009 and on Christmas in Beijing he was sentence to 11 years for "inciting subversion of state power", and is currently serving prison terms in Jinzhou.

Chinese Foreign Ministry quickly criticized the Nobel Committee's decision. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu answered a reporter's question, said: "Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded 'to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses', which was Nobel's wishes. Liu Xiaobo is in a criminal who broke Chinese laws and was sentenced to prison by the Chinese judicial system, and his behaviors were in contrary to the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Committee awarded the Peace Prize to such a person, was in completely contrary to the purposes of the prize, and it was also the desecration of the peace prize."

Answer the question that if Liu Xiaobo's award would affect the question of bilateral relations of China and Norway, Ma Zhaoxu answered that in recent years, Sino-Norwegian relations had maintained sound development, which was conducive to the two countries and two peoples interests. Nobel Committee's awarding Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo ran counter to its purpose, and it would bring damage to the Sino-Norwegian relations.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

笑话与现实 - Joke and Reality

中国大陆曾经流传过一个很无奈的悲情笑话:一个农家为了下一季的农作,买了一批种子回来播种,还买了一堆肥料,结果种子是假的、肥料也是假的,耕作的辛苦 都白费了,根本种不出东西来。一家人生活陷入困境,想到不如自杀算了,买了农药回来喝光,偏偏农药也是假的,农民认为或许命不该绝,便买了几瓶酒回家冲喜 庆祝,没想到酒还是假的,最后是全家人都喝死了。


China has had a widely-spread and very helplessly sad joke: A farmer for bought a batch seeds to plant, and a pile of fertilizer.  The seeds were defected seeds, also was the fertilizer.  His hard work were in vain and there was no crop and his whole family was in despair.  He wanted to kill myself and bought some pesticide and drank it all.  But the pesticides was fake therefore he believed that he should not die and bought a few bottles of liquor to celebrate.  Surprisingly, the liquor was fake and his entire family was poised and killed.

Unfortunately, US is following China's lead and trying to get rid of as many regulations and consumer protections as possible. Perhaps, the Tea Party members don't drink tea imported from China?

 At Home / 安逸 / Bequem 
At Home © Matthew Felix Sun

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Islamic Issues - 伊斯蘭问题

San Francisco Chronicle reported that "Texas textbook board curtails mentions of Islam".
The Texas State Board of Education adopted a resolution Friday that seeks to curtail references to Islam in Texas textbooks.

The board approved the one-page nonbinding resolution, which urges textbook publishers to limit what they print about Islam in world history books, by a 7-5 vote.

The board in recent years has become a battleground for social conservatives and liberal watchdogs, each accusing the other of imposing ideological agendas on what about 4.8 million public school students learn in Texas classrooms.

This treatment of one of the main religions and important cultures in the world is very disturbing.  It is not only short-sighted and stupid, it is also the very mechanism of fostering religious fanaticism.

I remembered that a while ago, I mentioned the ill-treatment of Islam in China.  So soon, it's time to report that behavior in the US.



該委員會在最近幾年已成為一個社會保守派和自由派監督者的戰場,他们互相指責对方強加其意識形態議程于德州公立學校的約 480萬學生。



Explosion / 爆破 / Ausbruch
Explosion © Matthew Felix Sun

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Media as Gatekeepers? - 媒體把關?

An acquaintance of mine in China told me that her friend was in a minor discomfort because he failed to detect a false advertisement in the newspaper he was asked to read, in order to stem out unacceptable contents.

This story amazed me. Protecting consumers is important but it is quite unfortunate that Chinese society and government lay the burden on the already jittery media's shoulders. Media should not shoulder this burden. It is as impractical as unfair. It is the entities who buy the advertisements should be held responsible, like what we have in the US.



Division / 割裂 / Teilung
Division © Matthew Felix Sun

Friday, September 10, 2010

Development Is the Indisputable Truth / 發展才是硬道理

Late Chinese strongman Deng Xiaoping once claimed: "Development is the indisputable truth". This is the root of what had gone wrong since they abandoned Mao's ideological driven policies. Instead of striving to improve people's life on all front, economically, politically, environmental, etc., Deng's theory aimed at the wrong goal. Chinese leaders have been chasing this relentless growth in last thirty years but failed to make sure its citizens benefit the most from such development. The country now has overtaken Japan and became the second largest economy in the word but the country is at the brim of breakdown. The income inequality, the environmental disaster, the corruption, the political prosecution are still rampant. People's life has improved dramatically, particularly those city dwellers, comparing to that in Mao's era but it is not enough.

Their policy actually is not dissimilar to the trickle down policy the Republicans are champion.

Instead of trying to make the quality of life as the goal of national policies, they aim at economy growth itself. Without improving people's life, any economic growth is meaningless.

Their policy only serves stock market and Wall Street.





Lake / 湖 / See
Lake © Matthew Felix Sun

Monday, September 6, 2010

小学生的遗书 / Elementary School Student's Testament

There is a widely distributed "will" written by a Chinese elementary student facing a big storm. The authenticity of this will is hard to determine but even if it's a fiction, it still constitute a good read - hilarious and heart tagging.

Below is the Chinese text and the English translation follows:

有一個廣泛流传的一个面臨的一個大風暴的小學生的“遗书”。遗书的真實性很難確定,但即使它是小說,它仍是一個良好的讀物 - 很好笑也很让人心酸。


今天乌云压压狂风暴雨倾盆大雨,天上打着雷,一只小鸟都看不到,小树要也弯下了腰。河流变成了大河流,水都流到我 们家院子里了。爸爸的摩托车也被水淹没了~到处都是水,很多大人在外面排水。听大人们说,这次发大水,是100年才能遇到一次的,听说山峡大坝都放水了, 我很害怕,我不会游泳,我怕我会被大水冲走,爸爸妈妈我很舍不得你们,虽然以前我不听话,你们经常打我。




如果我被大水冲跑了,我的QQ宠物要记得一定要喂饱,给它吃圈圈冰淇林就可以了,我的元宝不多了。我玩的蛮荒游戏马上满级了,让赵子刚帮我练满级 吧,希望他不要上次考试我将错误答案告诉他,因此恨我,还有不要上语音,游戏里的老婆不知道我是小学生。还有植物大战僵尸最后3关的通关秘籍在电脑的F盘 里。



Today, dark clouds are heavy and it is very storm and the rain poured down. There are many thunders and no birds could be seen, even trees bend their waists. River turns into a large river, and the water flow into our courtyard. Dad's motorcycle is also under water ~ water everywhere, and many adults in the outside are trying to drain the water. According to the grown-ups, this kind of storm only occurs once in 100 years. I heard that even Three Gorge Dam was releasing waters to the downstream. I am afraid I might be swept away, since I could not swim. Dad and Mom, I am very reluctant to leave you, though in the past I did not heed you therefore you always beat me.

Under my bed mats there are two
100 Yuan bills, they were from grandma, when I last visited her she sneaked them to me, and told me not to let my mother know. If I were washed away, please donate it to our school's Hope School partner to help the kids there.

During last math test, I intentionally told Zhao Zigang that the answer to the last multiple-choice was D, in fact, I know the right answer, I chose A. Because he had Jay Chou's new song on his MP3 player but he wouldn't pass it to me.

I like deputy head of our class - I don't not know if that was what the teacher called
precocity or not. I like it when she helped me with English vocabularies.

If I were swept away by the flood, remember to feed my pet on QQ - just ice-cream circle would be sufficient since my ingot is running out. I'll advance to a new level in the "Wild" game immediately, and let Zhao Zigang practice and help me to advance, hoping that he will not hate me for telling him the wrong answer in the last exam. In addition, don't go on "Voice" since my wife in that game didn't know that I was an elementary school student. The cheating secrete for the last three hurdles in the "Zombie and Plant Fighting Off" game is stored in F drive of the computer.

Teacher Zhang, after last midterm exam, my parent's signature was signed by my cousin and it was I who broke the mouse of the computer on the classroom podium but I did not mean to.

The flowers pots of Grandfather Sun next door are full of egg yolks I threw there, since I don't like them. I only eat egg white and I throw egg yolks into Grandfather Sun's flower pots. The hole on the cactus was my experimenting with a pen, and tell Grandpa Sun that I would not do it no more. If the flood did not wash me away, I'll buy him a cactus.

Dirge / 輓歌 / Elegy
Dirge © Matthew Felix Sun

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Muslim Students in Ramadan

On UC Berkeley's website for new students, it stated that "Students requiring alternative move-in accommodations due to religious holiday conflict may contact the Housing Office."

It has been reported by various media, with clear bias against Chinese government, that in China, during Ramadan, schools in Muslim region forbid school children to fast, on the ground of health concern. Lunches are served and students are observed to ensure that they eat. Free lunches, tea and coffee are offered in government departments and companies.

加州大学伯克利校园的新生网站有此陈述:“由于宗教节日冲突, 学生需要的便更搬进住宿,可与此房屋署联络。”


Skyline / 天際線 / Skyline
Skyline © Matthew Felix Sun

Monday, August 16, 2010

Macho Men, Do Women Want Them or Not?

Recently I read two versions of report on a series of researches on values of masculinity in modern society.

The detailed analysis of the researches by Wall Street Journal Why Women Don't Want Macho Men (March 2010) is a fascinating read.
Sometime within the past year, nearly 4,800 women participated in an experiment at, the online psychology laboratory of the Face Research Laboratory at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. They were young women, mostly in their early- to mid-twenties, and all identified their ethnicity as white. Later, researchers at the lab would confirm from IP address data that the participants came from 30 countries including Argentina, Sweden, Russia, Australia and the United States. The women's country of origin was an important part of the experiment.

After crunching the data—including the women's facial preferences, their country of origin and that country's national health index—the Face Lab researchers proved something remarkable. They could predict how masculine a woman likes her men based on her nation's World Health Organization statistics for mortality rates, life expectancy and the impact of communicable disease.

To a person unfamiliar with the field of evolutionary psychology, this may sound a little far-fetched. How is it even possible to link a woman's masculinity preferences to the health of her nation? The answer begins with the theory of sexual selection. It goes that women are the choosier sex because they take on most of the risk and burden of reproduction and child rearing. While a man can sleep around with 100 women in a year's time and have 100 kids, a woman who sleeps with 100 men in a year will only have one baby (barring multiples). She has more at stake in each pregnancy. Therefore, it is in her best interest to at least choose a high-quality mate. And one of the hallmarks of a quality male is good health.

A woman might be attracted subconsciously to a high-testosterone man because he'll give her kids an edge health-wise. But if health comes at the expense of fidelity and good parenting, how much does masculinity really matter? The apparent answer is not so much—if you're a woman living in a country with a decent health-care system and few harmful pathogens.

Meanwhile, women with the strongest masculinity preferences tended to hail from the countries with higher disease and mortality rates and some of the poorest scores on the health-care index: Mexico, Brazil, Bulgaria and Argentina. (The researcher included only white subjects to control the experiment, and Asian and African nations were not included in the study.)

This is not to say that cultural factors other than health care don't play a role in women's mate preferences. The Face Lab researchers acknowledge that there are variables they did not take into consideration. For instance, women's equality and control of resources would likely influence preference for masculinity. The same goes for violent crime. In cultures where physical strength and dominance are a primary means of security and social mobility, a masculine mate seems like a valuable asset. Yet, generally speaking, the researchers found that a nation's health index explained more of the variation in women's masculinity preferences than did many culture-specific female norms identified in previous studies.

The big question that comes of the study is this: Is it possible that modern medicine—and by extension modern life—inadvertently devalues masculinity? Possibly. Is the Marlboro Man, that smoking-hot icon of American manhood, under threat of being extinguished? Given American women's apparently strong masculinity preferences, the answer is no. We are not ready to get rid of our macho men. (Then again, we also have yet to improve our health index ratings.) Yet there are some smoke signals that suggest change is just over the horizon.
Yet, a short article published by Epoch Times and on several Chinese language blog entries, the tables were turned. They all used the title as Research Showed That Women Prefer Muscular Men, and Dislike "Feminine" Men. The lead of the article said:
The latest survey shows that to women, "feminine" men are very despicable people, and they prefer to have masculine men.
However, at the end of the article, it concluded:
Previously the United Kingdom University of Aberdeen (University of Aberdeen) researchers in Europe, the United States, South America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand 30 countries, 4,500 were aged 16 to 40 year-old female survey showed that better medical care countries, more women preferred the local flavor of male cosmetics. Scandinavian Sweden, 68% of women surveyed would prefer a more feminine looks of men. In contrast, the poorest quality of medical care in Brazil, 55% of respondents prefer muscular women.

Study: hi masculine men dislike women "feminine" men
The latest survey shows that of the women, "feminine" man is a very nasty people, they prefer to have a masculine man.

Previously the United Kingdom University of Aberdeen (University of Aberdeen) researchers in Europe, the United States, South America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand 30 countries, 4,500 were aged 16 to 40 year-old female survey showed that better medical care countries, more women preferred the local flavor of male cosmetics. Scandinavian Sweden, 68% of women surveyed would prefer a more feminine looks of men. In contrast, the poorest quality of medical care in Brazil, 55% of respondents prefer muscular women.

Chinese Translation:


华尔街日报的详细分析为什么女性不要阳刚男性 (Why Women Don't Want Macho Men)(2010年3月)是一个引人入胜的文章。





同时,硬汉子偏好最强的妇女往往是住在疾病率及死亡率较高,健康保健指数得分最低的是一些国家:墨西哥,巴西,保加利亚和阿根廷。 (研究者只用白人对象以控制实验课题,所以及亚洲和非洲国家没有被包括在这项研究中。)


该研究提出的最大的问题是:现代医疗,延伸及现代社会,有没有无意中贬低阳刚之气?有可能。万宝路人,美国成年吸烟热的偶像,有被消灭的威胁吗?鉴于 美国妇女对阳刚之气的显然喜好,答案是否定的。我们没有准备摆脱阳刚男子。(但是,我们也还没有改善我们的健康指数评分。)然而也有一些烟雾信号,建议变化已在地平线上露头。


而此前英国阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen)研究人员对包括欧洲、美国、南美、加拿大、澳洲、新西兰等30个国家、4500名年龄在16岁到40岁女性进行调查显示,医疗照护愈好 的国家,当地的女性愈偏爱脂粉味的男性。例如北欧的瑞典,68%受访女性就偏爱长相较阴柔的男性。相对之下,医疗照护质量最差的巴西,55%的受访女性偏 好肌肉男。
负责这项调查的心理学家狄布因博士(Dr LisaDeBruine)指出,研究结果显示,医疗质量愈佳的国家,身强力壮的男性就愈不吃香。

Adam and Eve / 亞當與夏娃 / Adam und Eva
Adam & Eve © Matthew Felix Sun

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

美国少女, 中国女婴性早熟 American Girls and Chinese Baby Girls' Early Puberty

New York Times reported that "a new study finds that girls are more likely today than in the past to start developing breasts by age 7 or 8.

The research is just the latest in a flood of reports over the last decade that have led to concern and heated debate about whether girls are reaching puberty earlier, and why it might be happening."

While in China, it is reported that in Wuhan, several baby girls have showed signs of breasts development, female hormone exceeding adult level. They all have been fed by a Shengyuan brand powdered milk. The ages of these baby girls are 4 months, 9 months and 15 months, respectively. Health Ministry has demanded an investigation.




Awakening / 喚醒 / Wecken

Monday, August 2, 2010

Minority Languages in an Empire - 帝国里的少数民族语言

Recently, people in Cantonese speaking regions in China have staged protest against government's plan of broadcasting increasingly or exclusive in Mandarin.

The suppression of things of minority status there is breathtaking. I have never heard of any governors and party chiefs of the ethnic minority autonomous regions have bothered to learn the languages of the locals.

In view of that, the Hapsburg dynasty was positively enlighten, whose monarchs took it seriously to learn some, if not all of the native tongues of its many ethnic subjects, be it Czech, Hungarian or Serbian.

Almost one hundred years after the last Hapsburg monarch, couldn't people have done better?





Matthew Felix Sun's Drawing_7278
Charcoal on Paper © Matthew Felix Sun

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Parading "Criminals" and "Suspects" - 嫌疑犯游街

Chinese newspaper People Daily reported that in the city of Dongguan, Guangdong Province, police posted a series of photos, featuring young women accused of prostitution, walking bare-feet, held by thin strings.

These photos generated much debate in China. People no longer accept this humiliating practice as norm and demand more humane treatments to criminals and suspects, and denounce this indignity.

中国《人民日报》报道,近日,广东东莞警方开展了“创平安、迎亚运”的扫黄行动,其中一组卖淫女赤脚游街的照片 在网上引起热议。从相片所见,两名穿着时尚的涉嫌卖淫女,不但赤脚,且戴着手铐,背后还被幼绳牵着。


Friday, July 23, 2010

Oil Spills - 石油泄漏

Three months after BP's oil spill in Gulf of Mexico, "China is dealing with the worst oil spill in its history, according to Greenpeace, after two pipelines in the coastal city of Dalian exploded Friday, sending crude gushing into the Yellow Sea," reported AOL News.

"On July 16, At approximately 6:20 p.m. local time, an explosion in a pipeline near Dalian Xingang Harbor set off a secondary explosion in a smaller pipeline.

The oil slick was 10 centimeters thick in some places, the Chinese state television news network reported, according to BusinessWeek. Approximately 1,500 tons of oil gushed into the sea before the spill was contained, Chinese state-run radio reported.

Chinese officials say oil is now spread across 165 square miles of water. There is still no word on what caused the explosion."

At least in the US, we have a villain but there, as usual, after a major disaster, no one is to shoulder the blames. What is left to do, is heroic cleaning efforts and usual hands wringing.




中国官员说,目前的原油在165 平方英里的水域传播。目前对爆炸引因还没有说法。"


One Fine Day / 美好的一天 / Ein schöner Tag
One Fine Day / 美好的一天 © Matthew Felix Sun

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ordering Food in Restaurant / 点菜

How to order food in restaurant is quite telling sometimes. In the US, even in Chinese restaurants, when dishes are tend to be shared, all the dinners have a menu and in general will contribute an idea to the table, while in China, it was less democratic. Over there, usually one menu is given to a table, even if there more a full dozen dinners. Usually one or two people put them heads together and decide the entire menu for the table. This sometimes creates some displeasure.

Recently, I heard a story happened to a distant relative of mine. He is in his eighties and doesn't dine out often, because he can only eat very soft food now. A few weeks ago, he invited his children and grandchildren to dine in a restaurant and he picked up the check. However, whoever studies the menu and placed the order didn't consult with him and didn't order any dish he could chew on. Considering he was to pay for the dishes and there was nothing for him to eat, he was furious.

It can be easily fixed perhaps, but that is not how Chinese people behave. They would rather see things go wrong and fret and complain about it then try to prevent it.

Perhaps, they should learn to practice democracy from dining table first.





Birds and Men / 鳥與人 / Vögel und Menschen
Birds and Men / 鳥與人 / Vögel und Menschen by Matthew Felix Sun

Friday, July 2, 2010

61 星美国国旗 - 61 Stars American Flags

It has been reported that The Dollar Tree in Texas sold plastic American flags with 61 stars, thanks to the generosity of its manufacturer China.

The Dollar Tree assistant store manager wouldn't comment on camera, but said the flag is sold as a "patriotic banner" — not as an American flag.



美元樹商店 (Dollar Tree) 的經理助理不肯在鏡頭前發表評論,但表示該旗织是一個“愛國”的标记, 而不是美國國旗。


61 stars American flag

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tai Chi - 太极

It struck me that most people who practices Tai Chi in the US are much more serious than those who do it in China.

Tai Chi practitioners in China most treat it as a form of exercise, no much different than our jogging, bicycling and swimming. Of course, there are right postures and wrong ones, but the attitude towards orthodox and correctness is rather cavalier.

While in the US, it is a serious business and people are mostly dedicated to the forms and trying hard not to err.

I see this as a cultural difference. Chinese people tend to be utilitarians and as long as their arms and legs got stretched, they are satisfied, and would not care much about the tradition and inner meanings of the form. Always serious American practitioners on the other hands are much more respectful to the ancient forms.





Funnel / 漏斗 / Trichter

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why Needs Map

When I visited my family in China earlier this year, I demonstrated to them the wonder of Google Map with its street views. They enjoyed the views and the convenience but that was it. They don't bother to look at the images from all over the world again, or use any online map to help them to navigate in unfamiliar places.

今年早些時候,我去中國探亲时, 我向他們展示了谷歌地圖, 包括街道图像。他們很喜欢这个便利,但僅此而 已。他們懶得通过谷歌地圖看來自世界各地的圖像,或使用任何在線地圖導航,幫助他們在不熟悉的地方照路。

Google Map, China

Many people there do use maps, particularly when they travel, but most don't. They rely on the experiences to find a new place, and landmarks to locate. If they are to meet someone, the usual place to meet is the place at least one of them knew. Instead of "going straight ahead and turn right on A Street, then turn left on C Street. The number is 2652.", you'll hear "going straight till you see a big yellow building, turn right, then turn left when you see a hospital. The place is the third entrance of the pink building, second floor, the middle door."

那里的許多人实际上使用地圖,特別是當他們旅行时; 但大多數不用地图。他們依靠的經驗以及易认的标记,来找到一個新的地方。如果他們要和他人碰头,通常他们去至少是其中一個知道的地方你听不到 "一直走,右轉上A街, 然後左轉上C街。號碼是2652。" 你會聽到 "一直走,直到你看到一個大黃楼,右轉,然後看到一個醫院左轉。這個地方是粉紅楼的第三個入口,二樓,中間門。"

Chinese characters are based on pictogram and people still rely on mostly images to navigate. To design a GPS system for Chinese marketing, better utilize pictures as well.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Labor Unions in China - 中国的工会

A spate of labor disputes took place in China. Traditionally, labor unions would speak out for the labors and make demands on work condition or compensation improvement on the management.

It is therefore startling to see that at least one labor union in a Honda plant in China fought against the striking workers. The labor union team members are in yellow caps in the pictures below:



Saturday, May 29, 2010

Drinking Ages in China and the US - 美國和中國的飲酒年齡

America has very strict drinking ages, depending on the states, ranging from 18 to 21 years old, in order to combat with the drinking problem. Yet this puritanical draconian restriction has failed miserably. Time again, we heard unsupervised underage drinking or the binge drinking when young people hit the legal age to consume alcohol.

The place I grew up, China, though introduced a law in 2006 to ban selling alcohol to anyone younger than 18, it never established a legal drinking age.

I learned to assess the taste of alcohol - beer and wine - through my parents and learned to treat alcohol with a realistic approach - neither treating it as forbidden fruit nor treating it as panacea solving all troubles in life.

It's interesting to observe that drinking problem though does existing in China, has never been as lethal as that in the US.

It's high time to re-exam the policy here.

美國有很嚴格的飲酒年齡,按州而定, 18至21歲,以打擊酗酒的問題。然而,這種清教徒式的嚴厲限制已經失敗。一次又一次,我們聽到的無監督未成年人飲酒或刚愎自用及法定年齡飲酒的年 輕人酗酒故事。

我長大的地方,中國, 雖然于2006年推出了一項法律, 禁止向任何人出售酒精小於18歲,從未建立了法定飲酒年齡。

通過我的父母,我學會了饮啤酒和葡萄酒, 获得實事求是的態度对待酒精 - 既不把它作為禁果, 也不把它作為解決生活中一切煩惱的靈丹妙藥。

值得一提的是,中國雖然有喝酒問題,它從 來沒有象在美國这样致命。


Ecstasy / 狂喜 / Ekstase

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bicycles - 自行车

Yesterday was the Bike to Work day in San Francisco Bay Area. This activity was designed to encourage people to bike, other than drive to work, in order to reduce green house effect, and also can benefit individual's health. Bicycles are becoming more popular in urban American.

Bicyclists, San Francisco Bay Area

Yet, in China, the once Kingdom of Bicycles, it is getting increasingly hard to find bicyclists. Sad!

Traffic, China 01
Traffic in Shenyang, China

Traffic, China 02
Traffic in Shenyang, China

Traffic, China 03
Traffic in Shenyang, China



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Living Was Worse Than Death, So I Confessed - 生不如死就招了

Following my previous blog on the killing of school children in China, I was sick to stomach to read more killings of such kind.

One of the reasons of such irrationality is that there is no channel to redress any wrongs done to Chinese citizens. Violence calls for violence.

Below is a deeply disturbing story. A certain Mr. ZHAO Zuohai in rural China was accused of killing another villager, who had quarreled and fought with him. The person thought to be killed actually fled, believing that he had killed Zhao. After a deeply decomposed body was found, Zhao was tortured and forced to confess being the killer. He was sentenced to die then commuted to long term. His wife divorced him and his children dispersed. Below is an interview published by People's Daily (the "Tongue and Throat" of Chinese Communist Party).

I have read many more similar stories but only choose to report this, because the bias of other sources. Since People's Daily is pro-Chinese government, I feel that I can believe all the accusations here.



下面是一個非常令人不安的故事。在中國農村, 一個趙作海先生被指控殺害與他爭吵和打鬥的一名村民。其實他以為他殺害了趙作海, 逃離家鄉,卻被認為是遭趙作海殺害。一個深度腐爛的屍體被發現,趙作海被拷打並被迫承認為殺手。他被判處死刑然後改判為長期徒刑。他的妻子離婚,他的孩子們驅散。下面是人民日報刊登的(中國共產黨的“喉舌”)採訪報導






Below is my translation and the original transcript follows.

下面是我的翻譯, 中文原文隨後。

May 11, Henan Province, Shangqiu City, Laowangji Xiang [a xingzheng term], Yumian Village, Zhao Zuohai resting in his sister-in-law's home. Pictures taken by reporter LI Qiang

"I was acquitted." Zhao Zuohai put the Release Certificate in front of his chest several times, pointing to it and said: "Look, look, the Supreme Court, acquitted."

After reading it again, he carefully folded the certificate. A man took it to photograph the certificate, and he cranked his neck, keeping unblinking eyes on the certificate, not letting it out of his sight for a moment.

Zhao Zuohai's back was slightly bent, and when he looked at people he betrayed a constant nervousness.

His cry was always sudden, coughing out from the throat. Less than a day, he cried seven or eight times. The most severe one, was when he talked about when his son visited him in prison without calling out Dad.

He was eager to mentioned his being beaten. When worked up, he stood up, hunched up his body and hands, to demonstrate how he was handcuffed to the bench, how he was beaten.

He did not want to mention seeking responsibility. He always said, "I do not understand it, since it belongs to the domain of the government, whatever the government says, whatever happens."

When the people from government came to console him, he would stand up in respect, hands on seams, and bowed to 90 degrees.

Beaten, Living Was Worse Than Death

New Capital Journal: Now does your body feel now?

Zhao Zuohai: At the beginning of my jail time, my head was always buzzing, so I couldn't sleep, all these were the problems I got from interrogate, being beaten.

New Capital Journal: You were at the police station two days, a month at the County Public Security Bureau. Where were you beaten up?

Zhao Zuohai: Both places. Interpol was the worst.

New Capital Journal: Do you remember how you were beaten?

Zhao Zuohai: Punched and kicked, from the day I was carried off. Look at the scar on my head, which was hit by the gun barrel, leaving this scar. They used a rolling pin like stick hit my head, knocking and knocking till I was dizzy. They also set off firecrackers over my head. I was handcuffed to the bench legs, fuzzy headed, and they put one after another firecracker on my head, lit, and set the explosion on my head.

New Capital Journal: Did it hurt?

Zhao Zuohai: Directly put on my head, why wouldn't it hurt? One explosion after another, so you couldn't sleep. They also mixed some drug with boiled water to let me drink, then I knew nothing. They stomped me and I couldn't move, even couldn't not stand up.

New Capital Journal: Could you sleep?

Zhao Zuohai: Handcuffed to the bench, more than 30 days they would not let you sleep.

New Capital Journal: Could you stand it?

Zhao Zuohai: What could you do if you couldn't stand it? He wanted you to die, you are damned. A person from Interpol team told me, that if you did not confess, we would put you on a van, and kick you out of the open door, then we are going to shoot you, claiming you tried to escape. I was beaten so much that to live was worse than to die. Whatever they told me to say, I said.

Beaten ruthlessly, really I couldn't stand it any more. Let me tell you, when you were beaten like that, you would confess too. Qin Xiang Lian [a legendary figure] was a good woman, why did she confess? Because of the ruthless beating. One or two days, three days, five days, she could not endure a long time. However tough she would have to confess.

Later on I said, do not beat me anymore, I would say whatever you want me to say.

New Capital Journal: Your statement was what they wanted you to say?

Zhao Zuohai: They taught me. He told me to say so and so, I then began to repeat, as soon as I repeated, he said, I those were my words. How I killed Zhao Zhentang, was fed by them. If I didn't say it to their liking, they'd beat me.

New Capital Journal: In your statement, regarding where the body was, there were two statements. One was that it was dumped into the river, and another that it was buried. Did they feed you that too?

Zhao Zuohai: I made them up, they were false. They asked me where to get the body, and I can not stand beating so I made up things randomly.

New Capital Journal: At that time, how many people beat you?

Zhao Zuohai: Four or five. I'd forgotten who they were. 12 years passed. A main one amongst them (then) was about 30 years old.

Wronged, I had a Mouth But Could Not Speak

New Capital Journal: So many years, when you thought of it, did you feel being wronged?

Zhao Zuohai: Could you not? How wronged I was. Around in my head I thought about this matter. I know that it was injustice, but what to do to this injustice? Falling wall was crooked from head to tail. You said that you did not kill, they said to you that if you did not kill, why you were in the Public Security Bureau? Nobody believed me, when they did not believe me and also hit me, insisted on that I killed. Everyone said that you killed somebody; no one believed me.

New Capital Journal: Did you say in court that you were wronged?

Zhao Zuohai: Did I dare say it? If I said that, what if they beat me again? Never mind that time; even just a few days ago, our prison cadre, came to ask me this matter, I do not dare to say it. I was afraid. Later, the cadre insisted, and he said that you need to tell the truth. Otherwise, did you still wish to go out? I finally told him everything. It was torture, forced confession.

New Capital Journal: You appealed once, then abandoned the effort?

Zhao Zuohai: Once I was in prison, the prison took care of me, I hoped for reduced terms then I could go out. I did not appeal. I also did not know how to write the appeal. I would thought that if I tried to appeal, what if they beat me again. I didn't dare to wish to overturn the verdict and had little hope.

New Capital Journal: Have you mentioned to friends and relatives of your innocence?

Zhao Zuohai: No. I didn't mention it to anyone. I am a mute who ate bitter pills could not tell it. I didn't dare to any one in my family.

New Capital Journal: You have never acknowledged your crime in the heart?

Zhao Zuohai: I have never acknowledged it in my heart. At that time, whatever was in the court's file was the acknowledgment. For example, say I stole vegetables. Others said I stole vegetables, but I did not steal. Others insisted on your stealing and it was acknowledged and accepted by all. But I have never accepted that verdict.

New Capital Journal: Over these years in prison, what did you think of most?

Zhao Zuohai: Mostly commutation, an early out. This time if I do not come back, I should have another commutation.

New Capital Journal: Ever thought of Zhao Zhentang's returning to the village?

Zhao Zuohai: I did not dare to think about it.

New Capital Journal: If Zhao Zhentang did not come back, when would you can out according to your calculation?

Zhao Zuohai: 70 years of age, 70 years old I could come out.

New Capital Journal: At that time, have you thought of your life once you were out?

Zhao Zuohai: I thought, I would scavenge and do a little trade; one has to live.

New Capital Journal: You perhaps did not expect to come out so soon?

Zhao Zuohai: I did not believe that I could live, did not expect this step.

New Capital Journal: Do you hope that those who beat you would apologize to you?

Zhao Zuohai: Apologize or not, does not matter. Beat first then apologize, has no meanings at all. You cannot peel of the original pain.

In Prison, Cry Underneath Quilt

New Capital Journal: What was your life in prison like?

Zhaozuo Hai: When I was in prison, I did mainly cleaning, and folding clothes in the clothing factory. I was old, and people did not expect me much, however much I could do was all right. Later, the prison took better care of me, and let me to become management staff, administering hundreds of people. Tire due to work, I could sit and and watch who did not work, and intervene. Prison staff really were taking care of me, allowing me to eat before other people, due to my old age. I was not beaten in prison and what I said counted, therefore I did not desire anything inside the prison.

New Capital Journal: Did you have monthly living allowances?

Zhao Zuohai: 6 Yuan [1 USD = 6.8 Yuan, or RMB], I couldn't use them all so I save up. I thought that I would need money once I went out, considering how expensive everything was.

New Capital Journal: Did you look forward to coming out when you were inside the prison?

Zhaozuo Hai: I was counting the days everyday, how many days inside already, how many days to go before I could go out, everyday.

New Capital Journal: Whom did you miss most in prison?

Zhao Zuohai: Sons and daughters, and family.

New Capital Journal: Did you ever dream of things took place before when you were in prison?

Zhao Zuohai: Always dreamed of children coming to see me. Whenever I had a dream, I dreamed of children's coming. I feel really painful. I was forced to confess, didn't you think I suffered gross injustice?

New Capital Journal: Did you cry when you thought of this?

Zhao Zuohai: I cried, I cried underneath the quilt, without making noise. I cried my quilt wet.

New Capital Journal: Did you children visit you?

Zhao Zuohai: My second son came last year. However, when he saw me, he did say anything. He didn't call me Dad. From his coming to leaving, he did not say once Dad. I felt extremely bad. He hated me. You say when my kids did not call me, wasn't I a useless person? The way he visited me was worse than his not to come at all. It made me feel even worse.

New Capital Journal: The child blame you?

Zhao Zuohai: I was in this trouble, my wife left, no one was at home, and my children couldn't continue their schooling, and begged everywhere. I was beaten, my children suffered a lot.

New Capital Journal: In prison, when you heard that Zhao Zhentang returned, how did you feel?

Zhao Zuohai: I cried, I longed to sit on the floor at once.

New Capital Journal: What did you think the most?

Zhao Zuohai: I thought that I was wronged so many years and I was angry and sad. I also know that I was going to be out soon.

Now, I Believe in the Laws

New Capital Journal: Do you know that your wife remarried?

Zhao Zuohai: I knew, I also understood. I was given a sentence, and could not even feed myself. Because this event, my wife left, my children dispersed, my family broken and family members dead. I have tears in my heart, and really it was in these words.

New Capital Journal: Does your son know that you are out?

Zhao Zuohai: He knows. He was working faraway and saw the newspaper. He told me that he wanted to come back to see me. Now, I don't even have a place to live, what's the use of his coming back. Moreover, when he comes back, his won't get paid.

New Capital Journal: What is the future plan of yours?

Zhao Zuohai: I still want to do a small business, selling vegetables, which was what I did before. House, I'll gradually get to it. This and that, to help my sons to form families.

New Capital Journal: I heard that your family grave was dug?

Zhaozuo Hai: At the time, the police said the body was hidden in it and when I was beaten so badly that I admitted that the body was in the grave. They dug up the tombs of my parents and my brother. I need to fix my parents' grave.

New Capital Journal: What is your idea regarding compensation?

Zhao Zuohai: I think it should not be less than 1.5 million Yuan [1 USD = 6.8 Yuan, or RMB]. I was in accordance with national standards, I would not calculate, other did it for me. Build a house, found wives for my sons, I also need money for old age.

New Capital Journal: Have you ever thought of holding the responsibility of the responsible person?

Zhao Zuohai: It was a matter of the government. State says he is not good, he is not good; it will not do if I say yes or no. I was even a criminal to be reformed through labor.

New Capital Journal: Do you find the change big once you are out?

Zhao Zuohai: Too big. Didn't dare to think. Stucco houses become concrete buildings, and I can not find my way.

New Capital Journal: Do you hate Zhao Chentang?

Zhao Zuohai: What is called hate, what is called not hate? I can not break the law, cursing him or beating him would not do.

New Capital Journal: Do you now believe in laws now?

Zhaozuo Hai: I am an ordinary person and did not know what laws were. Now after this, I believe in laws.

New Capital Journal: In the past people said that you were hot tempered. How about now?

Zhaozuo Hai: What temper can I have now? After this incident, any temper has been milled away.

New Capital Journal: Now, what is your happiest time?

Zhao Zuohai: My happiest time was the moment being told that I could come out, then that's great. This event was most tragic and most happy.

New Capital Journal: Why?

Zhao Zuohai: This thing is tragic. But now I am back, and knowing I was wronged, and this is the happiest time. Therefore, the most tragic, most happy. (Reported by Zhang Han from Shangqiu, Henang Province)

5月11日,河南省商丘市老王集乡余庙村,赵作海在其妹夫家中休息。记者 李强 摄

































































































  赵作海:这个事情是悲惨的。但是现在人回来了,知道我是被冤枉了,这也是最高兴的时候。所以说,最悲惨,最高兴。(记者 张寒 河南商丘报道)