When a tiny consumer tries to address the wrongs he or she suffered in the hands of commercial conglomerates, the chance of their winning is just like that of David's. Banding small people together, is the only weapon they will have to overcome their opponents. Yet, in China and the US, these little Davids are to be disarmed.
Chinese kangaroo court just imposed a two and a half year term on Zhao Lianhai, who became an activist after his son experienced kidney problems linked to contaminated baby formula. He was convicted of inciting public disorder by setting up a web site to help other parents with sick children to share information and to seek compensation, and by organizing protests.
In the US, the Supreme Court just took up a case by Vincent and Liza Concepcion complaining that they were charged $30.32 for a phone that was supposed to be free and they had signed away their right to initiate a class-action suit against the company, AT&T.
People fear that the ultra-business-friendly court might side with big business once again, and render little Davids in the US armless as well.
The width of the Pacific Ocean is getter ever narrower.
中国的袋鼠法庭判处了赵连海两年半徒刑. 赵连海在儿子因受污染的婴儿奶粉肾脏致病后,成为一个积极活动分子,设立一个网站,以帮助患病儿童与其他家长分享信息,并寻求赔偿和组织抗议。因此,他被判定犯有煽动扰乱公共秩序罪。
在美国,最高法院刚刚受理 Vincent 和 Liza Concepcion 对AT&T的诉讼,抱怨他们为一个"免费"的电话机付出三十点三二美元,并签字放弃他们集体诉讼的权利。

Jingwei Filling Up the Sea / 精衛填海
© Matthew Felix Sun
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