- A college student sped on campus and resulted in a death and a serious injury of two college students. The culprit complained about the damage of his car and left the site to see his girlfriend, and shouted at the security and other students - I dare you to sue me. My Dad is Li Gang. Mr. Li Gang is a petty public safety official in a small town near Beijing.
- Another auto incident. The drunk driver shouted his immortal quote: "My uncle is a bureau chief."
- A Vice Chairman of Writers' Association in Henan Province made such speech that ever since the new Party Chief arrived his province, the literary spring had arrived and they were excited everyday and they were able to wash faces with tears.
- The highest literary award in China, awarded another petty official the poetry awards. Many readers in China ridiculed the choice, because the award-winning poetry were pedestrian and as poetic as the weather report.
- City of Shenzhen gave housing subsidies to a selected group of people, including CEO of Tengxun Ma Huateng , whose assets worth 29.3 Billion Yuan (about US $4.44 Billion).
- 一名大學生在校園超速導致兩名大學生一死和一嚴重傷害。肇事者抱怨汽車的損害,在離開現場去看到他的女朋友前,向在场的安全人员和其他學生喊 - 有本事你去告我。我的爸爸是李刚。李刚是北京附近的一個小城市的一個公共安全小官員。
- 另一件汽車事故。一个醉漢司機喊他的不朽的名言:“我舅舅是局長。”
- 河南作家協會一副主席作出這樣的發言,自從新的省委書記上任,文學的春天已經來了河南,他們都很興奮,每天以淚洗面。
- 中國最高文學獎把詩歌獎頒發了另一小官员。許多讀者在嘲笑这一選擇,因為獲獎詩歌的詩意和天氣報告一样。
- 深圳市給選定的一群人住房補貼,其中包括騰訊公司的首席執行官馬化騰,其資產總值 29.3億元(約合 4.44 億美元)。

Mao © Matthew Felix Sun
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