加州大学,和其他加州公共机关一样,对出差人员的报销数额有严格规定。每人每天, 旅行,住宿和通讯之外,目前每人每天有$64的饮食定额。住宿旅馆开销也有规定,特殊情况,比如会议旅馆是唯一可行的选择,即使超标,经特别批准后,也可以报销。$64的饮食报销不能包括含酒精饮料。出差人员可以饮酒,但酒类开销要从报销单中除掉。
公务接待允许有限度的公款吃喝 -
早餐 - $26
午餐 - $45
晚餐 - $78
点心 - $18
当然, 酒类不能报销。

Mark Bussinger (photographer)
Recently I read the debate in China, on drinking Maotai with public funds - actually someone even posed such challenging "If not Maotai, then what?". Maotai, is an iconic hard liquor produced in China and is extremely expensive, and is distilled from fermented sorghum and now comes in different versions ranging in alcohol content from the standard 53% by volume down to 35%. Obviously, using public funds on food and drinks in China is a tall order for the U.S. to match.
University of California, as other California public institutions, has strict regulations on the amount of reimbursement of the travel staff. Besides the costs for traveling, accommodation and communications, the current per diem limit is $64. Accommodation hotel should not bee too expensive; under special circumstances, such as the conference hotel is the only viable option, by special permission, one can stay in an expensive hotel. The food/drink reimbursement of $64 should not include any alcoholic beverages. If a person chose to drink, he/she must cross out the cost of alcohol from reimbursement request.
It is also allowed to provide some food and drink during official receptions using public funds with such limits:
Breakfast | $26 |
Lunch | $45 |
Dinner | $78 |
Light refreshment | $18 |
Of course, alcohol can not be reimbursed.
These regulations not only exist, a third party auditing firm periodically inspect the accounts of the University of California. If public servants violated regulations, they will not only be punished, and might lose their jobs as well.
Bottom up!
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