中國帝王愛建令人印象深刻的陵墓。秦始皇建了巨大的地下兵馬俑守衛他的仍然隱藏着的陵墓,並獲得了世界聲譽。其他皇帝也不甘落後。下面是一個漢代皇帝劉启 (? 音译)的墓:

Han Dynasty Emperor Liu Qi's Mausoleum
However, mausoleum building didn't end with the empire. The provisional president of Republic of China Sun Yat-sen had his mausoleum built in Nanjing (Nanking):

Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, Nanjing (Nanking)
The de facto emperor Mao Zedong got his, courtesy of his hand-pick care-taking successor, Hua Guofeng (1921-2008), in the heart of Tian'anmen Square:

Mao Zedong's Mausoleum Under Construction - Portraits in Center: Mao Zedong and his hand-pick successor Hua Guofeng

Mao Zedong's Mausoleum Inauguration Ceremony (September 9, 1977)
Not long after the completion of Mao's Mausoleum, Hua was pushed out of political posts by Deng Xiaoping et al. and largely forgotten. However, after his death in 2008, there is a movement to re-evaluate his achievement and to crown this effort, his home province Shanxi, built a gigantic mausoleum for him (See pictures below). The mausoleum occupies an area of 100,000 square meters (over 14 soccer fields), with total investment: about 100 million yuan (US Dollar 15.3 million).
完成毛澤東紀念堂後不久,華被鄧小平等人从政治職位上推下去, 幾乎被人遺忘。然而,在他去世於2008年之后,兴起了重新評估他的成就的運動,包括他的故鄉山西省,為他建立了一個巨大的陵墓(見下列圖)。陵墓佔地面積10萬平方米(超過 14個足球場),總投資約 100億元人民幣(1530萬美元)。
His mausoleum story came in a very interesting time - recently there were many reporting in China on people's inability to pay for tomb lots.
他的陵墓故事是在一個非常有意味的時間嚗光- 最近有許多報導说在中國人们無力支付的墳墓费用。

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