The comment was, though a bit sweeping, more or less on the mark. Indeed, recalling my life in China, I remembered that many people I know who had published something usually gave free copies. It would be insulting to ask friends to buy one of the books.
This is the same as painters, mostly in Chinese style water color on rice paper, and calligraphers. People would make great efforts to ask accomplished painters and calligraphers to give them something. Considering the execution time in that style is rather short - they practice hours upon hours to perfect a stoke, usually they would oblige, after some deflection. This kind of obligation is very hard not to comply.
In order not to devalue their commercial works, usually they would state explicitly on the painting or calligraphy that the work was given to such and such exalted person and that little statement usually greatly dent the price of this work if it ever reached market.

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