Saturday, February 26, 2011

Social Secretary and the Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name - 社交秘书和不敢言名的愛

Image source:
It has been widely reported, such as in San Francisco Chronicle, "The White House made history Friday by announcing the appointment of Jeremy Bernard as the first male, and openly gay, social secretary."

Many other media reporting, inevitably mentioned Mr. Bernard's being openly gay.

When I first read this, I felt a little uneasy.  Why does his sexual preference matter for a man taking on a typically viewed as women's job?  Then, I accepted that this is part of the story and the reporters need to tell the whole story, if they are to report on anything.

This story even made it to the Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper - People's Daily.  It was an exhaustive report, including the background the the duty of what a social secretary of the White House does.  However, it had a glaring hole - it failed to mentioned the fact that Mr.s Bernard is gay.

However Chinese people or government want us to believe that China is a progressive place, same-sex love there is still "the love that dare not speak its name".

据如舊金山紀事報和其他媒体廣泛報導,"白宮週五宣布任命傑瑞米·伯納德作為第一個男性, 公開的同性戀者, 总统社交秘书,而創造了歷史。"


當我第一次讀到這里,我感到有點不安。為什麼在这个男性首次担任通常被視為女性工作职务的故事, 他的性傾向問題值得报道?思考一会儿,我承認這是故事的一部分,需要記者报道,如果他們认为故事值得报道。

這個故事,甚至登到中国共产黨的機關報-人民日報。那是一個詳盡的報告,包括白宮社交秘書的背景和責任。但是,它有一個明顯的漏洞- 它沒有提到一個事實,即伯納德先生是同性戀。

不论中國人和政府怎么希望我們相信中國是一個進步的地方,在那里, 同性愛還是 "不敢言名的愛"。

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shark Fin Debate in San Francisco - 旧金山鱼翅的辩论

San Francisco Chronicle recently reported, Calif. shark fin bill would ban Chinese delicacy, that
A law that would ban the sale and distribution of shark fins in California, preventing hundreds of restaurants from serving an ancient Chinese delicacy, was introduced Monday, igniting an emotional debate between conservationists and Asian leaders.

The bill, introduced by Assemblymen Jared Huffman, D-San Rafael, and Paul Fong, D-Cupertino, would halt all California trade in shark fins, which are used to make Chinese shark fin soup, a tradition at banquets among Chinese people around the world.

Assembly Bill 376 says the California market for the expensive dish is helping drive rampant illegal shark finning in international waters. The practice involves cutting off the tails and fins of living sharks, which are then thrown back into the ocean to suffer and die.

The shark fin trade is believed by many scientists to be responsible for a catastrophic collapse in the worldwide shark population.

The proposed law, coming on the heels of a similar ban passed in Hawaii last year, faces considerable opposition from Chinese American restaurant and market owners, sea food distributors and fishermen.

State Sen. Leland Yee, who is running for mayor of San Francisco, called AB376 an "attack on Asian culture."

Mr. Yee's argument is pure nonsense.  Asian culture doesn't lie on shark fins.  Many Asians never had any chance to sample a drop of shark fin soup.  It had usually be consumed by the super rich and powerful, till perhaps Costco jumped in.  Consuming shark fins had no inherent connection to Asian costume, and it is not a culture.  Even if there was some linkages to certain traditional ways amongst a group of people, it has to change.  Chinese people used to bind women's feet, had emperors, and men had concubines.  Would Mr. Yee oppose the changing of those as well? 

I was glad to see that not all people with Asian heritage agree with his self-serving argument.  SF Chronicle continued: "Shark fin has lost a little luster among some Chinese Americans who are aware of the environmental consequences."

I unknowingly had a serving of shark fin soup more than 10 years ago and had avowed never to have it again and am trying hard to persuade my parents and other relatives to stay away from it.  I hope more enlightened people would realize that some "traditions" must change.

Huan Da Yu, a Chinese herbalist (left), and David Lu conclude a news conference opposing the proposed legislation at the Far East Cafe by eating shark fin soup.     中醫 Huan Da Yu 和 David Lu 以在遠東咖啡廳吃魚翅湯来结束反對立法建議的新聞發布會。
Photo: David Paul Morris / Special To The Chronicle


由州代表Jared Huffman(民主党-San Rafael), and Paul Fong(民主党-Cupertino)提交的該法案,將停止所有加州鯊魚鰭貿易,鯊魚鰭是用來做魚翅湯的,一個各地世界中國人宴席的傳統。




州參議員Leland Yee,正競選舊金山市長,稱AB376為 “攻击亞洲文化。”

Yee先生的說法純粹是無稽之談。亞洲文化並不在存在於鯊魚鰭。許多亞洲人從來沒有任何機會來尝一滴魚翅湯。魚翅湯通常被超級富豪消费,直到Costco 之类加入后变得更普及。魚翅不是亞洲习俗不可分的成分,它也不是一種文化。即使有它与某一些一群人的某些傳統方式有聯繫, 它也必須改變。中國人过去让婦女缠足,有皇帝,男子纳妄。 Yee先生也反對改变這些吗?



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rich Food Worry - 豐富食物的擔心

San Francisco Chronicle reported that half of the blood donations in China immediately after lunar new year had to be discarded due to high fat content.  People consume huge amount of high protein and fatty food during the celebratory period.

I spoke to my parents recently and they worry about how to preserve huge quantity of food - fish, meat, poultry, etc.  Their two freezers are full and the temperature is rising so the food in the balcony will not stay frozen much longer.  I asked if they want to give some food away, they said that all the relatives have plenty and share the same worry.

My next question was would they give some to the poor and my dad was dumbfounded by my question.  Once he realized that I was serious about giving the abundant to the poor, he started to state obstacles - people don't give away food, people are leery of food given to them - they even worry about the safety of those purchased from stores let alone free from strangers, the poor had help from the governments, etc.

It is sad to realize that there is still no tradition of sharing with the less fortunate there.  In the US, many people donate goods and time to the poor (though I would rather see no one falls into that category, but that is unrealistic).  Many NGOs help to facilitate such charitable efforts as well.

China is a very tough country to live in for the poor - there are many working poor and unemployed and the helps they got, survived skimping from various levels of corrupted official, were dismal.  Chinese government also does not like organizations not sanctioned by itself.

It is hard to combat poverty if the better offs would not see the needs or usefulness to helping the poor.  US is doing better now but it seems the rich and powerful here are determined to learn from China, and siphon more money from middle class to their ever expanding coffers.  

Vegetable Garden / 菜园子 / Gemüsegarten


我跟我的父母最近通话时,他們擔心如何保存大量的食品 - 魚,肉,家禽,他們的兩個冷凍機等都以满了,随氣溫上升,在陽台上的食物也不會凍結更長的時間。我問他們有没有想把一些食物分给别人,他們說,所有的親戚都有很多食品,並有相同的烦恼。

我的下一個問題是,他們會不會把一些食物送给一些相对贫窮的人。我的爸爸觉得我的問題很不着边际。当他意識到我是認真时,他開始狀设障礙 -- 中国人不乱送食物,人們对從商店里購買都懷疑安全性, 对陌生人的赠与食物,他們会更擔心安全,窮人有政府的幫助,等等。


窮人在中國是非常艱難的 - 許多工作窮人和失業者得到了的從各級貪官污吏剋扣后点滴幫助,總是差強人意。中國政府也不喜歡未获它批准的組織。


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Price Tags and Store Return - 价格标签和商店退货

Yesterday, I prepared a work-related thank-you gift and took off price tags from the merchandises we were to send out.  I only learned not to reveal the costs of gifts in the U.S.  When I was back to China and tried to remove price tags from some gifts I was about to send out, my mother felt that it was rather peculiar.  There, people would rather leave the price tags on and let the receiver know the value of the gifts, therefore notice that how they were values by the gift givers.

Price tags in the U.S. can also facilitate returns of unwanted merchandises back to the stores.  In the U.S., within the stated periods, usually 30 days, with receipts and original packages, unused merchandises generally can be returned for full value, unless they were on sale when purchased or have been discontinued.  Without receipts, a store credit might still be issued for the returned goods.

In China, it would be VERY difficult to return anything, with or without receipt.  Customers who dare to try to return any goods, run the risk of being ridiculed and scolded and perhaps even cursed.  Mega stores with capitals from overseas are doing better job there now.


在美國的價格標籤也可以加快商品退货。在美國,在規定期限内,一般為 30天,只要有收據和原包裝,未使用商品一般都可退回的全部價值,除非他們在折价購買或已經商店下档。如果沒有收據,貨物仍然可能退掉,以换得商店信用。


Kampf / 抗爭 / Kampf
Kampf, © Matthew Felix Sun

Thursday, February 3, 2011

我没有说话 - I Did Not Speak Up

"First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out
because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out
because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out
because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me."

This well-known speech by Pastor Martin Niemoller, First They Came..., now inspired a new version in Chinese language websites:













I Did Not Speak Up

When they closed down Blogger,
I did not speak up,
because I did not write blogs;

When closed down Youtube,
I did not speak up,
because I did not watch online videos;

When closed down Twitter,
I did not speak up,
because I did not write tweets;

When closed down Facebook,
I did not speak up,
because I did not make friends;

When closed down Google,
I did not speak up,
because I used Baidu to search;

Finally, I found out that
I have no place to speak up.

More Social Media Unavailable