Sunday, September 26, 2010

Islamic Issues - 伊斯蘭问题

San Francisco Chronicle reported that "Texas textbook board curtails mentions of Islam".
The Texas State Board of Education adopted a resolution Friday that seeks to curtail references to Islam in Texas textbooks.

The board approved the one-page nonbinding resolution, which urges textbook publishers to limit what they print about Islam in world history books, by a 7-5 vote.

The board in recent years has become a battleground for social conservatives and liberal watchdogs, each accusing the other of imposing ideological agendas on what about 4.8 million public school students learn in Texas classrooms.

This treatment of one of the main religions and important cultures in the world is very disturbing.  It is not only short-sighted and stupid, it is also the very mechanism of fostering religious fanaticism.

I remembered that a while ago, I mentioned the ill-treatment of Islam in China.  So soon, it's time to report that behavior in the US.



該委員會在最近幾年已成為一個社會保守派和自由派監督者的戰場,他们互相指責对方強加其意識形態議程于德州公立學校的約 480萬學生。



Explosion / 爆破 / Ausbruch
Explosion © Matthew Felix Sun

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Media as Gatekeepers? - 媒體把關?

An acquaintance of mine in China told me that her friend was in a minor discomfort because he failed to detect a false advertisement in the newspaper he was asked to read, in order to stem out unacceptable contents.

This story amazed me. Protecting consumers is important but it is quite unfortunate that Chinese society and government lay the burden on the already jittery media's shoulders. Media should not shoulder this burden. It is as impractical as unfair. It is the entities who buy the advertisements should be held responsible, like what we have in the US.



Division / 割裂 / Teilung
Division © Matthew Felix Sun

Friday, September 10, 2010

Development Is the Indisputable Truth / 發展才是硬道理

Late Chinese strongman Deng Xiaoping once claimed: "Development is the indisputable truth". This is the root of what had gone wrong since they abandoned Mao's ideological driven policies. Instead of striving to improve people's life on all front, economically, politically, environmental, etc., Deng's theory aimed at the wrong goal. Chinese leaders have been chasing this relentless growth in last thirty years but failed to make sure its citizens benefit the most from such development. The country now has overtaken Japan and became the second largest economy in the word but the country is at the brim of breakdown. The income inequality, the environmental disaster, the corruption, the political prosecution are still rampant. People's life has improved dramatically, particularly those city dwellers, comparing to that in Mao's era but it is not enough.

Their policy actually is not dissimilar to the trickle down policy the Republicans are champion.

Instead of trying to make the quality of life as the goal of national policies, they aim at economy growth itself. Without improving people's life, any economic growth is meaningless.

Their policy only serves stock market and Wall Street.





Lake / 湖 / See
Lake © Matthew Felix Sun

Monday, September 6, 2010

小学生的遗书 / Elementary School Student's Testament

There is a widely distributed "will" written by a Chinese elementary student facing a big storm. The authenticity of this will is hard to determine but even if it's a fiction, it still constitute a good read - hilarious and heart tagging.

Below is the Chinese text and the English translation follows:

有一個廣泛流传的一个面臨的一個大風暴的小學生的“遗书”。遗书的真實性很難確定,但即使它是小說,它仍是一個良好的讀物 - 很好笑也很让人心酸。


今天乌云压压狂风暴雨倾盆大雨,天上打着雷,一只小鸟都看不到,小树要也弯下了腰。河流变成了大河流,水都流到我 们家院子里了。爸爸的摩托车也被水淹没了~到处都是水,很多大人在外面排水。听大人们说,这次发大水,是100年才能遇到一次的,听说山峡大坝都放水了, 我很害怕,我不会游泳,我怕我会被大水冲走,爸爸妈妈我很舍不得你们,虽然以前我不听话,你们经常打我。




如果我被大水冲跑了,我的QQ宠物要记得一定要喂饱,给它吃圈圈冰淇林就可以了,我的元宝不多了。我玩的蛮荒游戏马上满级了,让赵子刚帮我练满级 吧,希望他不要上次考试我将错误答案告诉他,因此恨我,还有不要上语音,游戏里的老婆不知道我是小学生。还有植物大战僵尸最后3关的通关秘籍在电脑的F盘 里。



Today, dark clouds are heavy and it is very storm and the rain poured down. There are many thunders and no birds could be seen, even trees bend their waists. River turns into a large river, and the water flow into our courtyard. Dad's motorcycle is also under water ~ water everywhere, and many adults in the outside are trying to drain the water. According to the grown-ups, this kind of storm only occurs once in 100 years. I heard that even Three Gorge Dam was releasing waters to the downstream. I am afraid I might be swept away, since I could not swim. Dad and Mom, I am very reluctant to leave you, though in the past I did not heed you therefore you always beat me.

Under my bed mats there are two
100 Yuan bills, they were from grandma, when I last visited her she sneaked them to me, and told me not to let my mother know. If I were washed away, please donate it to our school's Hope School partner to help the kids there.

During last math test, I intentionally told Zhao Zigang that the answer to the last multiple-choice was D, in fact, I know the right answer, I chose A. Because he had Jay Chou's new song on his MP3 player but he wouldn't pass it to me.

I like deputy head of our class - I don't not know if that was what the teacher called
precocity or not. I like it when she helped me with English vocabularies.

If I were swept away by the flood, remember to feed my pet on QQ - just ice-cream circle would be sufficient since my ingot is running out. I'll advance to a new level in the "Wild" game immediately, and let Zhao Zigang practice and help me to advance, hoping that he will not hate me for telling him the wrong answer in the last exam. In addition, don't go on "Voice" since my wife in that game didn't know that I was an elementary school student. The cheating secrete for the last three hurdles in the "Zombie and Plant Fighting Off" game is stored in F drive of the computer.

Teacher Zhang, after last midterm exam, my parent's signature was signed by my cousin and it was I who broke the mouse of the computer on the classroom podium but I did not mean to.

The flowers pots of Grandfather Sun next door are full of egg yolks I threw there, since I don't like them. I only eat egg white and I throw egg yolks into Grandfather Sun's flower pots. The hole on the cactus was my experimenting with a pen, and tell Grandpa Sun that I would not do it no more. If the flood did not wash me away, I'll buy him a cactus.

Dirge / 輓歌 / Elegy
Dirge © Matthew Felix Sun