Three months after BP's oil spill in Gulf of Mexico, "China is dealing with the
worst oil spill in its history, according to Greenpeace, after two pipelines in the coastal city of Dalian exploded Friday, sending crude gushing into the Yellow Sea," reported
AOL News.
"On July 16, At approximately 6:20 p.m. local time, an explosion in a pipeline near Dalian Xingang Harbor set off a secondary explosion in a smaller pipeline.
oil slick was 10 centimeters thick in some places, the Chinese state television news network reported, according to BusinessWeek. Approximately 1,500 tons of oil gushed into the sea before the spill was contained, Chinese state-run radio reported.
Chinese officials say oil is now spread across 165 square miles of water. There is still no word on what caused the explosion."
At least in the US, we have a villain but there, as usual, after a major disaster, no one is to shoulder the blames. What is left to do, is heroic cleaning efforts and usual hands wringing.
中国官员说,目前的原油在165 平方英里的水域传播。目前对爆炸引因还没有说法。"
One Fine Day / 美好的一天 © Matthew Felix Sun