The news that 2010 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Chinese Liu Xiaobo was not widely reported in China. I was only able to find two reports on online portal from mainland China, one was on
环球时报 (The Global Times) and the other
财经时报 (Business Times). The former, according to Wikipedia, is a overseas version of China Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party and the latter is a newspaper or magazine which had been championing different policies and repeated earned the displeasure of the government. It was remarkable that it was able to report the news.
The Chinese texts follows, then the Chinese translations:
诺贝尔和平奖又砸自己的牌子 2010-10-09 15:56
Nobel Peace Prize Damaged Their Own Brand Again [Links to original Chinese texts] 2010-10-09 15:56
On September 8th, the Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Lui Xiaobo, who is serving a sentence in China, thus once again, put itself in the opposition to the Chinese people and the China's undertaking of reform and opening up.
Nobel Prize in general is prestigious in China, but the Nobel Peace Prize has become Western ideological stuff forced upon the world in the brand of "Nobel". In last century, this award were given to the people who opposed the Soviet Union many times, including the culprit who was responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev; this preference does not melt with the end of the Cold War.
Through the award to negate modern China, has become the Nobel Peace Prize's new pursuit of paranoia. China has so far two winners, one is the Dalai Lama, the other is Liu Xiaobo. The former is a representative figure of ethnic separatism, while the latter agitate to duplicate the Western political system in China and rejected China's existing laws. Vied from the outside on however many perspectives, there is no doubt that they are the constructive forces for recent peace and development of China, and they touched on Chinese society through their demonstration of confrontation, and they did not promote unity in China, which is facing a variety of complex issues. To award the "peace" prize to them, is disrespectful to the majority of Chinese people and it was another arrogance display of Western ideology in front of Chinese people.
The fact that Kadeer, Hu Jia, Wei Jingsheng and other "dissidents" have also entered into the list of candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize, has aggravated the Chinese people's resentment towards this award. Friendly and trusting Chinese people have reasons to suspect that Nobel Peace Prize has been reduced to a political tool to serve the Western interests, and the people who evaluate and manipulate this award do not want to see peace and unity in China, and very much hope that the Chinese community falls into infinity endless strife because of political differences, until toward Soviet-style split. What they can do now is to use the Peace Prize to tear a hole in Chinese society.
Liu Xiaobo was last year sentenced by China's judicial authorities to 11 years in prison, and many Western governments had tried to intervene. The behavior of Nobel Committee on the 8th is a continuation of this interference. The West's dispute of Liu's case is not of the judiciary itself, but to wish to implement political pluralism in China, so that China's development would of the characteristics of "Westernization."
The Nobel Committee's choosing to give Liu Xiaobo this award when he is serving sentence is not just a personal encouragement to him, rather, it is contempt and challenge of Chinese judicial system. Every Chinese person can feel the malice in this mockery, and most of the Western public could tell this was a show intended for China to see, and it will increase the alienation of Chinese and Western society. According to Nobel's will, the peace prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses", Peace Prize Committee has done the opposite yesterday.
Nobel Peace Prize's repeated criticism, once again reminded China its situation in the world. It is impossible for China's development to get applause in the West, and China should be tough enough in choosing its road to the development, and the means the West employed to harass our judge are often more than we can foresee and more surprising.
It is worth mentioning that the Nobel Committee and those people they represent, will eventually fail to prevent the trend of China's development. They only anger Chinese once, while damaged their own brand, but the world grows continually. After all, those few people can not judge the world, and the too arrogant West has repeatedly misjudged the will of the Chinese people and China's direction. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, even the Nobel Prize is no bigger than this truth.
2010-10-09 15:56
Global Times (
simplified Chinese:
traditional Chinese:
Huánqiú Shíbào) is a daily
Chinese newspaper produced under the auspices of the official
Chinese Communist Party newspaper, the
People's Daily,
focusing on international issues. -
刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖 [Links to the original Chinese texts] 2010/10/08 @ 10:29pm 北京时间
Liu received the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize [Link to original Chinese texts] 2010/10/08 @ 10:29 pm GMT
Norway on Friday (October 8, 2010) 17:00, Nobel Prize Committee awarded the 2010 Peace Prize to Chinese prisons are serving sentences of democracy activists Liu Xiaobo, the Chinese government immediately criticized this decision.
Nobel Committee said in a public statement, this award is in recognition of Liu Xiaobo's long-term and non-violent struggle to promote basic human rights in China. The Commission has always maintained that human rights and peace has a close relationship, just as Alfred Nobel wrote in his will that human rights are prerequisite for friendly coexistence amongst countries and peoples.
Nobel Committee noted that in the past twenty years, Liu has been speaking out to defend these basic rights for Chinese citizens. He participated in the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, and participated in the the writing and drafting of "08 Charter". In 2009, Liu was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for two years because of "the subversion of national security".
Nobel Committee also said many Chinese people at home and abroad had participated in promoting the establishment of universal human rights in China. Although Liu was severely punished, he has become the symbol of many Chinese people's struggle for fundamental human rights.
55-year-old Liu Xiaobo was born in Changchun, Jilin Province. He graduated from Jilin University in 1982, and enrolled into the master's and Ph.D. Beijing Normal University. Between spring and summer of 1989 he gave lectures in foreign countries, and returned to China during the climax of 1989 Tiananmen Square movement to participate in hunger strike. After the movement was cracked down, he was arrested and was fire public posts. In 1996, he was convicted again for speeches, and was sentenced to reeducation through labor for 3 years. In 2008, he presided over the drafting of "Lingba ('08) Charter", and was arrested in December 2009 and on Christmas in Beijing he was sentence to 11 years for "inciting subversion of state power", and is currently serving prison terms in Jinzhou.
Chinese Foreign Ministry quickly criticized the Nobel Committee's decision. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu answered a reporter's question, said: "Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded 'to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses', which was Nobel's wishes. Liu Xiaobo is in a criminal who broke Chinese laws and was sentenced to prison by the Chinese judicial system, and his behaviors were in contrary to the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Committee awarded the Peace Prize to such a person, was in completely contrary to the purposes of the prize, and it was also the desecration of the peace prize."
Answer the question that if Liu Xiaobo's award would affect the question of bilateral relations of China and Norway, Ma Zhaoxu answered that in recent years, Sino-Norwegian relations had maintained sound development, which was conducive to the two countries and two peoples interests. Nobel Committee's awarding Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo ran counter to its purpose, and it would bring damage to the Sino-Norwegian relations.