Palin's ridiculing the first lady's caution on balanced diet was plain silly as we would have expected from her but Mrs. Obama's rationale itself was quite incredulous to me.
According to a Washington Post article,
In fact, the first lady has never suggested that sweets be banned from the dinner table, cafeteria or campground. She says she tells her daughters, Sasha and Malia, that "dessert is not a right" and that meals should be balanced with fruits and vegetables.
What I read in this paragraph was that as long as her daughters eat fruits and vegetables, they'll get their desserts. I used to think that dessert was served on special occasions rather than everyday implied here.
I did some inquiries amongst my friends and colleagues who was born and grew up in the US on how often they have desserts. The result was less than conclusive. Some said that they have it often but not on daily basis yet someone told me that they have dessert everyday, usually with dinner.
Similarly, in China, when there are guests, they were treated with fruits, nuts and tea, instead of crackers, cheese, chips, beer, wine and liquor. On the other hands, Chinese people used to serve cigarettes too though that practice has been dumped.
佩林諷刺第一夫人的平衡飲食的提议是愚蠢的,与我們对她的期望相符; 但奧巴馬夫人的理由本身却很让我懷疑。
我在我的出生在美國并在次長大的朋友和同事之間做了一些調查,他們吃甜品的频率。其結果没有定論。有人說,但他們常长吃甜是, 但不时每天读有, 而有人告訴我,他們每天吃甜點,通常是晚餐时吃。